Friday, January 21, 2011

Two parts hopeful.

Two parts hopeful has risen to the surface today and has brought a good bit of happy with it too.

I've made the decision to choose me, finally.  I'm not going to live for anyone else.  I'm not going to wait for anyone else.  I've got to let go and move on.  It's tough but it's best for me.  I am angry with myself for spending so much time being confused and sad when there are so many people out there fighting for their lives and their jobs and their homes and their loved ones. I'm better than that.

It's nice to know there are other women out there who understand the things I write.  It makes me hopeful that we will be able to come together as friends and find our way to greater things.  We have to stop and remember how valuable we are, to ourselves and to others, but only if we know down deep inside our own worth.  I find when I connect to that sense of worth it becomes easy to make decisions, even the hard ones.

Here's to endings, to new beginnings, to self worth, to kindness, to friendship, to hope.


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