Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year Recap

What an amazing year in every way.

 In 365 days I've recovered from a heart attack, mourned the death of a long and successful marriage, moved myself home to California, settled into a new life, made some new friends and missed many old ones, renewed my familial relationships, continued to work on my art and traveled a little.

I think the biggest changes have been within.  I've worked very hard at giving up controlling every situation.  I've started accepting my unique gifts. I've tried to find out what is really inside me.

It's certainly not been easy and it's certainly not over but I'm hoping that in the end I'll be a better person, a better friend, a better lover.

I'm really happy.  Sometimes I feel very settled, which is good.  Sometimes I feel really unsettled, which is also good.  To really experience life you've got to take both the easy and the hard.

This weekend I went to the coast and I had some great company.  Thanks D, this is for you...

Beautiful and stormy.

Peace to you and to those you love.

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