Monday, July 09, 2012


Sometimes the sadness in the world becomes almost overwhelming.  I feel too much the grief, fear and tears that others are experiencing.  I begin to falter in my course, wanting to curl up in my bed and sleep until the sadness goes away.

But I know it won't.  I have to try to avoid the daily news, the killing, the hurting, the pain, the stupidity and cruelty of some people and of nature's mighty disregard for the little lives in the path of hurricanes and floods and earthquakes.

The best way I know to shake the bad stuff is to remember to be grateful for the good stuff.

A dearly beloved black and white Corgi has died alone and scared far from home.  I grieve with his family and give my boys an extra hug.  They crawl up on the couch into my lap when they know I'm distressed.
I'm so thankful for my life, for those friends who've touched my heart and shared laughter and smiles as well as tears and sorrow.

I'm so thankful for my family, that I've gotten to watch my children grow and hope that they find as much satisfaction and joy watching their little ones grow.

I'm thankful for the shelter I have.  That I was able to find a house that nurtures my soul as well as my body.  And that I've been able to fill it with happiness, beauty and love.

I'm thankful for my skillful hands and eyes that really see, that I'm able to create beautiful things that make other people smile.

I'm thankful for red dirt, good music, men with beards, hands that cherish, arms that open wide in greeting, hearts that spill with love.

I'm thankful for so many things and know that the Great One has blessed me repeatedly and continues to do so.  I know that her love is never ending and that the more we send out the more she pours into us.

I send great heaps of love and laughter to you all.

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