Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Morning

This is going to be a great week!

There are house possibilities to look at and decide upon.
I need some of my own dirt to dig around in.
And my own walls to paint.
And a place to wash my FJ, poor dirty thing.
A garage to shelter from the weather.
And a wall of bookshelves.
A chest freezer.

Always fun to dream.

Sometimes what I write may seem very sad but these words are just things that drift through my head, they don't stay long, I don't let them.  Then I zip along, torch some metal, laugh with friends, plan adventures, play soccer with the boys, splash in the water, drink some wine, find a new recipe (Panzanella today), enjoy my excellent life and look forward to tomorrow.

Happiness doesn't come from outside but from inside, from knowing who you are and loving that person.

I love this photo.  It so well reminds me that the darkest night comes with the possibility of glorious sunrise.

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