Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas in Austin

Hopping aboard a big shiny Southwest Air jet this week for a fast trip to Austin.  This will be my first Christmas with my babies in four years.  We also have a first birthday to celebrate, little G will love all the commotion.  I think I'll just buy her a lot of boxes to play with, the all time favorite baby toys.

The boys will be guarding the house and their beloved house sitter.

Is it right to want to be there but not want to go?  I think a good bit of my reluctance is the general exhaustion I'm still battling from this killer cold.  And airports, ugh, and hoping I don't get a coughing jag on the airplane.  I bought lots of cough drops.

However, nothing can keep me from this cutie patootie...

And the rest of my darlings.

For all my friends and family I'm sending you wishes for good health, hugs in abundance, buckets of smiles to give and to receive, smooth sailing through the storm and true knowledge of what's really important.


1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, dear Suzanne. Have a great time with the family.
