Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Once I was the leaf floating down the river with no ability to direct my course. I floated along, twisting and turning in the current, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. I loved being born upon the water, seeing the trees and clouds overhead. But leaves are insubstantial things and eventually I started to fray. Rather than crumble and sink I thought I would stand fast and make the river go around me.

I became the rock in the river, raging against the current. I held my ground as the water rushed over and around me, never yielding, standing solid. I collected moss and all around me the tender things existed for a time and still I stood in my pride and stubborness, alone...and slowly being worn away.

I let go. Now I am the river, everchanging waters running both deep and shallow, cool and warm, furious and soothing. I know now that even though my course shall be changed by fate or man nothing can stop the river running to the sea.

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