Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Thankful 2013

My thankful post from July 9th, 2012 surfaced today, how appropriate.

I started this day (way back at 2am) in what I would call a not so great state of mind.  Working late to occupy my mind I let a lot of fears and anxieties take over my mind and heart.  I drank a LOT of tequila and fell into bed after working really hard to spread those fears and anxieties around liberally.

And when I woke up I had something in one of my eyes and was a little heartsore as well.  The landscaping crew showed up and brought a truckload of mulch, 14 yards to be exact, wow.

Driveway blocked, eye hurting, I spent the day cleaning house and watching the progress of the backyard.  The job finished early and is beautiful.  Then off I went to the eye doc, who fished out several pieces of dark things that looked like the same color glass I was working on in the studio.  My eye hurt badly, no doubt exacerbated by my fear, my eyes and my hands are almost everything to me.

I got some sleep and woke up ok, feeling good, happy to have the backyard so serene and then got news so good I did a little happy dance in the backyard, think Ed Grimley female version.

Here's the thankful part.

I'm thankful for someone who loves me so fiercely that he's able to face my fears and show me what they are really about, which is love.

I am thankful for the medical services so readily available to me. Thankful that I won't lose my eyesight because of my passionate need to create beautiful things.

I'm continually thankful for that passionate nature, the one that moves me to make things and to push myself towards more.

I'm thankful for my family and friends new and old.

I'm thankful for my furry boys, who lean up against me when they know I'm sad and sometimes steal a kiss.

I'm thankful to be alive in this place where so many of my dreams have come true.

I'm thankful for you.

And for this transformation.

From this:

 To this -
Planting still to be done, as funds are available.  Now the deck is cradled in the backyard and way off in the corner you see the fountain.  I can be on the couch in the dark, listening to the water burble, star watching and dreaming of future things.

Peaceful dreams to you from me and the boys.

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