Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miscellaneous Fun Stuff

Monday night is pistol shooting league, which is both thrilling and nerve wracking for me.  I love the shooting but my uber competitive streak has set in.  Last night I shot a 177 on the front sequence and 162 on the back sequence.  The best you can do is 180 so that's not bad.  We change the requirements every two weeks, last night was complicated, strong hand, weak hand, standing and kneeling.  Fun stuff.

Today I went in for a echocardiogram and  while I have to wait for the Cardiologist to read it the tech did say she thought both he and I would be pleased with the results.  This is a non-invasive procedure but I've still  been really stressed about it.  The last one I had sent me into the Cath lab.  I can't help but remember that day in shards of glass detail.

Then I had lunch with my beloved Sister and did a little browsing in Nevada City, always a good place to eat and wander.

AND, after that I signed the papers to put in an offer on my first house!  It's going to be a long haul but the house feels right so we shall see.  I can see myself in the sunny studio which is through french doors from the kitchen, while the boys wander around the small yard.  I will paint the rooms in golds, maybe have the living room ceiling raised and covered with white painted car siding.  My bedroom will get a set of french doors that open out onto the flower filled patio.  I will fill it with the laughter and love of those who mean the most to me.


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