Monday, January 03, 2011

Vision Realized

From crude sketch:
To final prototype:
I mostly love it.  The concept is excellent, the proportion and general design are good, the actual execution is decent.  It's a dream on the neck and the wow factor is pretty darned good.  But as a prototype it's got a few design challenges that need to be changed. It's sellable and wearable right now but the next pieces will be even better.

 The original was meant to have the three layers attached at the top.  That changed to securing the three layers by rivets and ended with the final of the three layers separated by sterling tube so they became very 3D.  However, because I changed design on the fly I had to work with relatively thin layers of metal.  Further designs like this will change to much heavier sheet, which will make the riveting easier and more stable.  I had to add some stabilizing pieces on a few pieces, the thin fine silver just wasn't up to the stress of the design.

But it's pretty sturdy right now, though the rivets tend to make the backs a little scratchy, which will be easier to deal with in future editions.

I like the direction this took me.  I've already got a ton of new ideas from it, which is a great thing.  

But for right now my feet are freezing so tomorrow morning I'll do the final finishing touches on this piece, clean up my studio and start again.


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