Friday, August 20, 2010


Ok, I'm going to post some pics of my new house and then I'll call myself caught up, sort of.

I rented this house without seeing it.  I relied on my Sister's good sense and her knowledge of what I would like. She did a great job!  I love the house, it's got high ceilings, a great view, skylights and beams and the light just floods in, perfect for someone who suffers from SAD.  Of course there are trade-offs, the driveway is scary enough I may stay home if the weather gets snowy and the yard isn't much for the dogs, just weeds and red dirt. But they love their pool and playing frisbee up the driveway and we go for lots of walks both in the neighborhood and other cool places.

Here's my view, I love to sit out here in the morning and have breakfast and at night with something cold to drink and a peach or maybe a pluot.

Here's the driveway from hell.  I thought I could rent it out as a ski jumping facility, except you'd land in the neighbors yard, maybe on top of one of their cars, not so friendly.

But I like it fine.  We've been looking for new places to walk besides our favorites in Condon Park and the Empire Mine and the Western Gateway Park in Penn Valley.  Today we tried the Independence Trail above Nevada City which was very nice.  It's handicap accessible so the trail is wide and smooth and the only really scary part was the scaffolding walkways they've built along the cliffs, whew!  I did some walking not looking over the side.  And the rocks, huge big rocks, love them, here's one you have to walk through, quickly without thinking about earthquakes.....
It was a good day!

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