Only a few more days until I leave for Austin. Little Radar is having a CD release party this next weekend which means I get to see my boy play live, woot! And his darling GF will be playing that night too, with her band, The Couch. And I get to see my daughter, what a great weekend all around.
There are so many beautiful things popping up in my yard, it's like a big treasure hunt. A whole row of peonies are popping, with grape hyacinths and pink dutchmen's breeches tucked in here and there. The flowering dogwoods are starting to open up and this amazing plant, which I think is a Rhododendron.
It's really exciting to experience unfamiliar flowers and plants. Plants were quite limited in the extreme Midwest temps, this is more tropical and very fun.
The birds are bathing in my fountain, plans for the backyard renovation are underway, lots of beautiful jewelry is coming out of my shop and warm hugs keep me smiling.
Life is good.